MA Fine Art shows, Aberystwyth

MA Fine Art group shows. It felt so good to get my work out of the studio and up onto the walls of a gallery, to see the work in a fresh, clean space. Thank you to all who came to visit the shows, and for your thoughts and support! Completing the MA feels exhilarating, […]
Walking and Thinking, Thinking and Walking, Jupiter Gallery.

Walking and Thinking, Thinking and Walking, Jupiter Takeovers, Jupiter Galley, Newlyn. Am so pleased to be part of this years ‘Jupiter Takeovers’, where the space is used in different way each week. I am working in the space alongside my work this week, it has been busy already, with fresh faces and familiar ones. Having […]
Cornwall Open Studios 2022

Cornwall Open Studios 28th May – 5th June, Boswednan, just outside Penzance. Come and say hello!
Egg tempera, gesso and guilding.

I have been lucky enough to have been a recipient of some European Opportunities Funding, which enabled me to make the trip to work with an artist in her studio in Sardinia. I have been exploring layers of gesso on paper, board and canvas for the last few months, and continuing to work figuratively, from […]
Surfaces, layering, sanding.

Excavating. Distressing. Sanding. Scratching. Digging. Smooth. Crevices. Pressing. Printing. Re-sanding. Covering. Revealing. Surprises. Mistakes. Wiping away. Drawing. Re-drawing. Evaluating. Erasing. Traces. Shadows. Previous. History. Smudging. Precision. Ambiguous. Contrast. Re-draw. Erase. Push back. Bring forward. I am finding a way to re-think how I make work, how I start to make a drawing. Often, in the […]
Self-discipline. Rituals. Customs. Habits. Apply.

In the Collin’s English Dictionary, self-discipline is ‘the controlling of oneself, of one’s actions’. Being disciplined means ‘training that develops self-control’. I remember a year or so ago meeting up with a fellow runner, and we discussed the idea of being disciplined in life, how it helps, or hinders. He took the stance that to […]
Sketchbook Circles

I became involved in sketchbook circles seven years ago through NSEAD (National Society for Education in Art and Design). Whilst teaching full time, I felt my own practice was sliding; another month would go by and my weekends became full of backlogs of marking, lessons to plan and exemplars to make. Joining a national sketchbook […]
Materials, tools, connecting.

Charcoal: Messy, dusty, dirty, raw, crunchy, solid, slippery, smooth, velvety, grainy, seductive stuff. It is like soil; it stains, it gets everywhere, I breathe it in, it sits under my finger nails for days, it accentuates the wrinkles in my hands. It can be so dark on the surface of the paper, ground in permanently. […]
Words! Books! Reading!

How do you read? Where do you read? What do you read? I enjoy hearing about people’s reading habits. I spend a considerable amount of time each day, sitting in the quiet, reading. It is integral to my sense of well-being, of achievement, of curiosity, of crucial time spent just by myself. Books, a bit […]
Hands, plaster and drawing.

In recent months I have been moving away from drawing the whole figure, and focusing more on objects as a way of finding out about surface, mark making, exploring acrylic paints and inks, and using different grounds to work on. However, I find myself drawn again to bodies, parts of bodies that are more personal […]